Knitting Tip: How to Bind Off Knitting In the Round

Binding off in the round normally flows fairly easily until it comes to last last bound-off stitch.  Typically you bind-off that last stitch and secure it.  Next step is to weave in that tail connecting it to the 1st bound off stitch.  

Sometimes the join looks invisible.  Sometimes not so much.  What if we added one more step so the last bind-off flows perfectly the first time and every time?

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Knitting Tip: How to Prevent a Twisted Cast On

Have you ever cast on using circular knitting needles only to find several rounds in, that you've twisted the cast on? Now you have a knitted loop with a twist in it and the only way to fix it is to frog it and start over.

Knitting in the round is very easy, of course that's after you get past the join. You know, that making sure you don't twist that cast-on.  How often do cast-ons twist when you are about to start knitting in the round?  Enough times that even pattern writers tell you to look out for it.  So here's an easy hack to make sure there are no twists in your cast on.

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