You CAN Knit Lace!

One of the many aspects of lace, (besides its beauty) is an aura of complexity and difficulty. Most knitters believe that lace shouldn't be attempted until you are an intermediate knitter or expert.  That's just not so.  Lace projects can be involved and intricate, but those intimidating projects are just a small portion of what can be done.  The majority of stitches and projects are easy to understand and achieve.  Better still some really beautiful lace stitch patterns are easy to remember too, ensuring a very satisfying knit and beautiful end result.

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Brioche Knitting

Brioche knitting projects popular as they are today have actually been knitted since the 1800's. Unlike traditional knitting projects, the Brioche process will yield a fabric that is light and fluffy, with some density, having the look of a double knitted fabric. If worked in more than one color it will produce a project that is totally reversible and strikingly unique.

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Knitting Tip: Working with Dangly Stitch Markers

I'm crazy about "fob" markers. You know what I mean, those markers that have the cool dangles.  I can't resist collecting them, and I use then almost all the time. They do have a downside though. I get them caught or trapped in my knitting from time to time. I can untangle my marker each time, but it slows me down. So here's how to keep it from happening in the first place.

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