Knitting Tip - How To Work With Unevenly Spun Yarn

I love yarns with character and substance and that's what these roving/rustic yarns deliver.  By nature they are not evenly spun and minor stitch variation should be expected and can add to the visual appeal of your project.  But what about when the variations aren't minor and detract from your projects overall appearance?  Not to worry though, there's a quick and easy tip for that.

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Knitting Tip - What To Do When Your Yarn Has Knots

If you've knitted any amount of time you've probably discovered a knot or two in your fiber.  It happens across the board, from workhorse yarns to the luxury fibers.  Industry standards actually allow up to 3 knots per ball as being acceptable. It's all about the milling process and isn't necessarily an indicator of a bad yarn.  Ok, that's not a whole lot of consolation when you run into that bump in the road, so what do you do about those knots when they do show up?

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Knitting Tip: Natural Ways to Protect Your Knitwear

To ensure you'll get to treasure your hand knitted garment for years, you'll want to make sure it isn't a tasty treat for moths and critters.  You could of course always use mothballs, but If you can't quite love that lingering pungent aroma,  here's an alternative that is not only pleasantly spicy but pretty and gift worthy too.

It's a snap to put together, so let's head to the kitchen pantry and get started.

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Knitters Pride MARBLZ Interchangeable Needle Set Review

This is the time of the year when I'm on a personal knitting accessory quest. I'm looking for one truly unique item. It doesn't need to be big, but it does need to be beautiful and unusual. This year I didn't look long. Knitter's Pride Marblz Interchangeable Needle Set..Bullseye!  Hit the mark on all three of my wants! A big, beautiful, unique find...and functional too.

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