Knitting Tip: Why Dental Floss is a Knitter's Must Have!

Why Dental Floss is a Must-Have in my Knitting Bag!

I keep these little packs everywhere! In my purse, my knitting bag, my suitcase, several drawers around the house and even in the car.

You must be thinking, "Wow, that girl loves to clean her teeth!"

Oh, my dentist would love that, but the REAL reason I keep these little boxes at hand is because of the tiny cutter inside the case. 

My handy dandy yarn cutter in action! (see image below)

Not long after 911 and the crackdown on sharp objects at airport security, I was on a flight and needed a pair of scissors. I remembered I had a pack of floss in my carry-on bag and used the little cutter to break my yarn. Well, now those little gems go everywhere with me!