11 Things You Need to Know about Garter Stitch But Were Afraid to Ask
When you learn to knit, there is a lot they don’t tell you!
You may learn how to make the knit stitch and maybe even the purl stitch when you get started but there is a lot of knitting terminology that may leave you scratching your head.
In fact, if you haven’t knit but want to give it a try, sign up for my FREE Learn to Knit online course!
I’ve rounded up the 11 most popular questions about the knit stitch and garter stitch to help clarify things.
#1. What does a knit stitch look like?
Just as a penny has two sides, the knit stitch has a front and back.
The front is a v-shape while the back is a bump also known as a purl.
When we refer to the knit stitch, we are referring to the front of the work with the v-shape.
#2. What is the easiest knitting stitch?
The easiest stitch in knitting is garter stitch.
That is when you knit each stitch on every row.
It creates a very nice fabric with horizontal rows know as garter ridges.
You can use this stitch to knit blankets, afghans, shawls, scarves, and even sweaters.
Garter stitch - Knit every stitch creating rows and rows of garter ridges
#3. What is g stitch in knitting?
G-stitch is an abbreviation for garter stitch. It is when you knit every row.
#4. Why does my purl stitch look like a knit stitch?
Like I mentioned above, the knit stitch has two sides.
The front is a knit and the back is a purl. If you were to purl every stitch, you would end up with the same results as if you knitted every row!
It is garter stitch.
This blew my mind and confused me when I learned this information.
But as you learn more in knitting and are able to identify what stitches do and how they work together, this will make a lot more sense.
#5. What is the difference between a knit stitch and a garter stitch?
The knit stitch refers to the stitch itself while garter stitch refers to a stitch PATTERN that will be accomplished by creating the knit stitch row after row.
#6. Is knit stitch the same as garter stitch?
The knit stitch is a technique you do to make ONE stitch while garter stitch is the pattern created by doing many knit stitches.
Here is the knit stitch - Insert your needle into the stitch from front to back, wrap the yarn counter-clockwise around the back needle, go back out of the the stitch pulling up a new loop on the right-hand needle, and slip the old stitch off the left-hand needle.
Garter stitch a knitting pattern created by making the knit stitch over and over again on row after row.
#7. What does “work in garter stitch” mean?
Work in garter stitch means you are going to knit all stitches on every row until instructed to do otherwise.
#8. Does garter stitch use more yarn?
Garter stitch (knit every row) uses more yarn than stockinette stitch (knit 1 row, purl 1 row) because it is not as tall as stockinette stitch.
Garter stitch also uses more yarn than lace knitting. Lace tends to be open and airy so the yarn will go a lot further than knitting in garter stitch.
However, there are many other stitches that take a lot more yarn than garter stitch. Stitches such as cables, brioche, bobbles, and other highly textured stitches really eat up the yarn.
#9. What does k1 mean in knitting?
K1 in knitting means “knit one stitch.”
To help shorten patterns for easy reading, knitting patterns use abbreviations.
“K” is the abbreviation for knit and the “1” after it tells you how many stitches your are going to knit.
It’s good to know that most patterns include an abbreviations key at the beginning or end of the pattern.
#10. What is the Wrong Side of garter stitch?
Because it looks the same on both sides, it can be difficult to tell the difference between the right and wrong side of garter stitch.
However, I can clear that up for you.
After you cast on, the first row you knit is the RIGHT side of your knitting in garter stitch.
I often place a locking stitch marker on that side of the work so I can easily identify the right and wrong sides of my project.
#11. Does Garter Stitch Curl?
One of my favorite benefits of garter stitch is that it doesn’t curl like stockinette stitch.
Stockinette stitch is notorious for curling and one of the best ways to combat this is by adding a garter stitch edge to the bottom, top, and sides of your knitting.
Do you have a question about garter stitch that I forgot to mention? Let me know in the comments below!
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11 Things you Need to Know about Garter Stitch Knitting but Were Afraid to Ask