Knitting Tip: How to Stop Getting Poked by Sharp Needles

"Sharps," those finely chiseled knitting needle points are really a must when creating lacy pattern stitches (think ssk, k2tog, & psso).  Depending on your knitting style they can really take a bite out of fingers too. Ouch! The longer you work the project the more frequently you pierce those fingers and that ends up not being fun.

Let's put a stop to that with an easy and inexpensive fix!

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Siddal Lace Shawl Free Knitting Pattern

Designed by Norah Gaughan, Siddal shawl has a unique shape that provides amazing results. The 2 wings are worked first, leaving live stitches on needles. The center section is then worked, joining to the live stitches (sts on needles) of alternating wings at the end of each row. The center section is only joined to half of each wing, leaving the other half free. These free sections form points that will fit over each shoulder as shawl is worn.

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