Knitting Tip: How to Stop Getting Poked by Sharp Needles
Knitting Hack: Stop Getting Poked By Sharp Needles
"Sharps," those finely chiseled knitting needle points are really a must when creating lacy pattern stitches (think ssk, k2tog, & psso). Depending on your knitting style they can really take a bite out of fingers too. Ouch! The longer you work the project the more frequently you pierce those fingers and that ends up not being fun.
Let's put a stop to that with an easy and inexpensive fix!
Combat sharp knitting needles with a small bandage!
Use a small bandage! This is really a simple fix. I go and grab a box of those little round bandage "dots". The smaller the better. There's a lot in a box, so you can use a fresh one each sitting.
Just affix one of those little dots to the area you jab the most and you're good to go!
An Easy Fix for Pain-Free Knitting
Happy (pain-free) knitting!
- Donna, your Friendly Knitting Doctor